OpenSFS News

Lustre 2.12.6 released

By jfranklin

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.12.6 Release has been declared GA and is available for download. You can also grab the source from git.Details of changes since 2.12.5 can be found in the 2.12.6 change log.

There are the following notable enhancements over 2.12.5:

RHEL 7.9 is now supported for servers and clients  (LU-13590).

RHEL 8.3 is now supported for clients  (LU-13839).

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking system.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.

The next LTS release will be 2.12.7

A Decade of OpenSFS and Two of Lustre

By jfranklin

OpenSFS President Steve Simms participated in an interview with Next Platform TV on July 14, 2020. The discussion included Lustre, and specifically the OpenSFS effort. Steve talks about the past 21 years of the Lustre file system and now, with ten years under its belt, where OpenSFS will go in its second decade.

Lustre 2.12.5 released

By jfranklin

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.12.5 Release has been declared GA and is available for download. You can also grab the source from git.Details of changes since 2.12.4 can be found in the 2.12.5 change log.

There are the following notable enhancements over 2.12.4:

RHEL 7.8 is now supported for servers and clients (LU-13566).
RHEL 8.2 is now supported for clients (LU-13488).
SLES12 SP5 is now supported for clients (LU-13111).

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking system.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.

The next LTS release will be 2.12.6

Lustre 2.12.4 released

By jfranklin

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.12.4 Release has been declared GA and is available for download. You can also grab the source from git.

Details of changes since 2.12.3 can be found in the 2.12.4 change log. There are the following notable enhancements over 2.12.3: 

RHEL 8.1 is now supported for clients  (LU-12637). Note that a kernel issue with cgroups has been found in our testing with RHEL 8.1 Lustre clients (LU-13063). We have been advised that this issue will be fixed in RHEL 8.2.

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking system.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.

The next LTS release will be 2.12.5

Lustre 2.13.0 released

By jfranklin

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.13.0 Release has been declared GA and is available for download . You can also grab the source from git

This major release includes new features:

Persistent Client Cache allows Lustre to utilize client-local storage such as NVMe or NVRAM as part of the filesystem namespace. Clients can cache the data of newly created or existing files in a locally-mounted cache filesystem (e.g. ext4) for exclusive access at local filesystem speeds, and data migrates transparently into the global filesystem when accessed by other clients (LU-10092)

Multi-Rail Routing enhances multi-rail support for LNet routers, allowing auto discovery of routes and improved resiliency in configurations with multiple interfaces per node (LU-11297)

Overstriping allows files to have multiple stripes of a single file on each OST. This allows configurations with relatively few clients/threads or very large OSTs to better utilize the full storage performance (LU-9846)

Self-Extending Layouts improves the flexibility of Progressive File Layouts (PFL) to better handle filesystems with imbalanced OST capacity, such as smaller flash OST pools combined with larger disk OST pools. Files using Self-Extending Layouts can write to the flash pool as much as possible, but will automatically change over to the disk pool if there is not enough space (LU-10070)

Fuller details can be found in the 2.13 wiki page (including the change log and test matrix)

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking system

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.

Lustre 2.12.3 released

By jfranklin

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.12.3 Release has been declared GA and is available for download. You can also grab the source from git.

Details of changes since 2.12.2 can be found in the 2.12.3 change log.

There are the following notable enhancements over 2.12.2:

RHEL 7.7 is now supported for servers and clients (LU-12457)

RHEL 8.0 is now supported for clients (LU-12269)

Mellanox OFED 4.7 is now the default version built and tested (LU-12789)

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking system.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.

The next LTS release will be 2.12.4

Lustre 2.10.8 released

By jfranklin

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.10.8 Release has been declared GA and is available for download. You can also grab the source from git.

Details of changes since 2.10.7 can be found in the 2.10.8 change log.

A notable change in this release is to enable building with MOFED 4.6 (LU-12276)

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking system.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.

The next LTS release will be 2.12.3

Lustre 2.12.2 released

By jfranklin

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.12.2 Release has been declared GA and is available for download. You can also grab the source from git.

Details of changes since 2.12.1 can be found in the 2.12.2 change log.

A notable change in this release is to enable building with MOFED 4.6 (LU-12276)

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking system.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.

The next LTS release will be 2.10.8

Lustre 2.12.1 Released

By jfranklin

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.12.1 Release has been declared GA and is available for download. You can also grab the source from git.

Details of changes since 2.12.0 can be found in the 2.12.1 change log.

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking system.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.

The next LTS release will be 2.12.2

Lustre 2.10.7 Released

By jfranklin

We are pleased to announce that the Lustre 2.10.7 Release has been declared GA and is available for download. You can also grab the source from git.

Details of changes since 2.10.6 can be found in the 2.10.7 change log.

Please log any issues found in the issue tracking system.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to the creation of this release.

The next LTS release will be 2.12.1 and we do not anticipate doing any further 2.10.x releases.