Megan Larko
OpenSFS President, Translucent
Megan Larko has involved in Linux High Performance Computing (HPC) for decades starting at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD and continuing in the U.S. DoD environment with SGI at Aberdeen Proving Ground, and HP (now HPE) at Ft. Meade, both in Maryland. Megan is a graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park, and jokes that she also attended the college of “O’Reilly and Associates” based upon the knowledge she have gained reading books from that publisher. Megan has had Linux certifications from SAIR (one of the original Linux certs), RH, and CompTIA, and even “Lustre Administration and Support: Level One” dated July 2008 from Sun. Megan enjoys her career as well as a few hobbies such as running and dog training. Megan currently resides in western Pennsylvania, with her beloved spouse and goldendoodle mix.
Dominic Manno
OpenSFS Vice President, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dominic Manno is a Scientist in High Performance Computing at Los Alamos National Laboratory. He has a background in storage systems and software development. Dominic’s career began in HPC storage at LANL with contributions ranging from maintaining systems to integrating and deploying new Lustre file systems. Dominic, as HPC File System Technical Lead, is responsible for the design, procurement, and administrative team for all parallel file systems in LANL’s HPC data center. He has worked with the Lustre file system since 2014 with work including Lustre administration, file system performance tuning, and improving user performance for high-performance computing applications. Mr. Manno also co-leads a subset of storage research efforts at LANL’s Ultrascale Systems Research Center. Some our latest work includes re-examining disk failures and protection at extreme scales, designing next generation storage system deployments, and exploring hardware offload integration within ZFS. This team is also responsible for the current work in implementing direct I/O functionality into the ZFS file system.
Leo Saavedra
OpenSFS Treasurer, LBNL/NERSC
Leonardo Saavedra (a.k.a Leo), is a Senior HPC Storage Systems Analyst at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at Berkeley Lab (LBNL), where he works as a member of the Storage Systems Group. His interests include parallel file systems, mass storage and Linux system administration. Leo’s career in HPC began at NRAO as system engineer maintaining and deploying new Lustre file systems for the observatory. Leo has been working with Lustre since 2017 with work including Lustre administration, file system performance tuning, and improving user performance for high-performance computing applications.
Tom Crowe
OpenSFS Secretary, Indiana University
Tom Crowe is the Manager of the High Performance File System team at Indiana University. His background is in storage and Linux administration, having over 25 years’ experience across multiple industries. He has worked with Lustre since 2013 with work including deployments, benchmarking, administration, performance tuning, acceptance testing and multiple file system migrations. Prior to joining Indiana University, Tom worked as a storage and virtualization engineer in the Health Care industry.
Sarp Oral
At Large Board Member, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dr. Sarp Oral is a Research Scientist at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where he is a member of the Technology Integration Group and the Team Lead for the File and Storage Systems projects. His research and development interests are parallel I/O and file system technologies, benchmarking, high-performance computing and networking, fault-tolerance.
Shawn Hall
At Large Board Member, Jump Trading
Shawn Hall’s experience is in large scale system administration, having worked with high performance computing clusters in industry and academia. He has worked on many aspects of large scale systems and his interests include parallel file systems, configuration management, performance analysis, and security. Shawn holds a B.S. and M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Ohio State University.